Brewgers Presents: Flat Earth Brewing Angry Planet Pale Ale

Welcome to the very first edition of Brewgers video reviews. The first brew that Brewgers decided to review is Angry Planet by Flat Earth Brewing. Flat Earth Brewing is a local brewery here in Saint Paul, and it is located on Minnehaha Avenue in Saint Paul’s eastside neighborhood. Drink up!

Brewgers is on Instagram!!!!

Are teenyboppers acting all angsty again on Instagram? Do they still constantly post pictures of themselves doing weird things that only teenagers do? Fortunately, what we post on Instagram is for the “old people”, so feel free to check our Instagram page out, or show us some pictures of beers and burgers and stuff! We like burgers and beer, because we’re “ancient” like you, so feel free to post as much of it as you want! Click here to check it out!

Brewgers is now on Pinterest!!!

Want to look at some amazing photos of burgers? Want to learn more about amazing stouts and porters? Well we here at Brewgers got some good news for you! There is one place where you can view all of the burgers and brews that you want! We are now officially on Pinterest! Please check us out at Pinterest!


Mark Zuckerberg and other famous people are not the only ones on Facebook! Brewgers is also on Facebook as well! We do not know about you, but we here at Brewgers would rather stare at pictures of great tasting beers and delicious burgers, instead of some chick, who shall not be named, breaking the Internet again. Check us out at Brewgers!

Big beer is not so big anymore.

Big beers are not so big anymore. Budweiser, ABInbev, SABMiller and other macrobreweries are in a constant decline when it comes to sales. This is due to a change in the taste of consumer taste buds. Craft beers have seen an increase in sales due to better flavor instead of improved marketing. The macrobreweries notice this and is starting to get into craft brewing by purchasing the smaller craft breweries. Hopefully, this will lead to better tasting macro beers!
